January 5, 2020

Submit Your Influencer Marketing Case Study

You can get in front of over thousands of people working in the Influencer Marketing Industry. I love reports, surveys, and data, but mostly... I love case studies. Readers do too.

Submit Your Influencer Marketing Case Study

You can get in front of over 7,000 people working in the Influencer Marketing Industry.

Influence Weekly is a digest of 10 t0 20 links I found riveting and insightful - from the ~100 I read each week.

I love articles that are Data-Informed. That means reports, surveys, and data, but mostly... I love case studies.

Readers do too.

A case study, while merely a single data point in an entire industry, is an empirical data point. One that's not merely a theory or thought experiment.

A great case study shares results, creative execution and how those results aligned with brand goals.

Who Is Reading Influence Weekly?

Many readers are CEOs, Directors, Managers, etc.  Basically they are decision makers at brands and agencies.

There are also quite a few creators and Influencers as well.

Show Off Your Work

The single thing that can make this industry better is that we all do better work.

We can do better work if we're shown great examples of Influencer Marketing.

Send a link to your most recent Influencer Campaign Case Study to hi@influenceweekly.co

It doesn’t have to be fancy.

The more data you share, the better. It could merely be a 4 paragraph writeup on your own website.

The best case studies include at least these four ideas: Goals, Approach, Campaign Highlights, and Results.

Here I've outlined a few ideas you can include in each section.


Explicitly lay out the scope and KPIs the marketer or brand needs in order to call this campaign a success. Any directives from the brand/marketer should go here. Differentiate between Awareness, Downloads, Engagement, Sales Lift, Clicks, Sales, etc.


Layout either the grand vision or the execution-style. Color commentary is welcomed here if the holistic creative component of the campaign is not apparent.

The platform should be explicitly explained here if it was agency decided. This is where an agency can let their personality shine.

Campaign Highlights

Show exact examples. Links directly to Instagram posts, YouTube Videos.

You can include commentary on why these are the best.

Did they tie directly to KPIs, or blow the brand away with creativity?


State exactly what the Brand/Marketer got from the campaign. This should reflect on the Goals section and state exact numbers.

Commentary and reasoning are welcome here but we really are thirsty for numbers!

Testimonials from the brand, Comments from Influencers or their followers are welcome here. Just remember, when we're reading this, we're scanning for numbers.

Bonus points, for sharing lessons learned.

What did you learn from this? Not just what we can learn from the campaign.

Once you write your case study, send a link to hi@influenceweekly.co